Are you confused by what your vet is telling you to do for your pet’s teeth? You are not alone. Many people do not understand pet dentistry. Dr Banyard, Chilliwack, B.C., is developing a series of videos to help the public understand what their vet is recommending for their pet’s oral health. Dental disease is the #1 disease in dogs and cats – let us help your pet by treating it and maintain good oral health in your pet.

To find all of Dr Banyard’s videos on You Tube, go into the You Tube site and enter “Dentistry for Pet Owners 101”, “Professional teeth clean in a dog :Part 1” (there are 7) into the search bar on You Tube. If you type in “Jo Banyard” you will see that Jo becomes Joe and he does not look like her :))

The following videos are available to view on You Tube from oldest to newest. Click on the ones of interest to you:

Latest video:

Feline Tooth Resorption

Can these Fractured Teeth be saved in these Two Dogs – 2 cases

Feline Chronic Gingivostomatitis – a painful gum disease in cats

Chronic Ulcerative Paradental Stomatitis, ‘CUPS’, in a dog Part 1

In our newest video

Surgery to Treat Cancer in the Mouth of a Dog: Fred’s Story

A Tale of Two Dogs with Bad Dental Disease: Part 1 Sally’s Story

A Tale of Two dogs with bad Dental Disease: Part 1 Zoey’s Story

Gum recession – What is it?

Dexter’s base narrow canine teeth, Acrylic incline plane: Part 3 – Let’s hear what Dexter’s owners think of their pet’s experience.

Dexter’s base narrow canine teeth, Acrylic incline plane: Part 2 – What does Dexter think of his incline plane? Let’s find out.

Dexter’s base narrow canine teeth, Acrylic In cline Plane: Part 1 – In the first video of this series we will see what is found in Dexter’s mouth.

Lower Canine Teeth Biting Gums of Top Jaw in a 3 month old Puppy – This puppy has base narrow canines also known as linguoversion of the mandibular canine teeth. If you see this painful condition in your puppy see your veterinarian and get it treated quickly.

What is a Veterinary Dental Specialist – This video briefly tells you what is required in order to become a veterinary dental specialist.

Tooth Anatomy – To understand dentistry you need to know tooth anatomy

Metal Crown on the Canine Tooth in a Dog – see what is involved in creating a metal crown in a dog. Metal crowns are recommended to protect teeth in some situations such as after a root canal or for cage biters.

Guided Tissue Regeneration in a Dog – learn about guided tissue regeneration and what can be done to save teeth with periodontal disease. Daily tooth brushing is needed.

Root Canal Procedure in a Dog – see what is involved in a root canal. This quick video will give you a quick overview of this treatment.

Extraction in a dog with stage 4 periodontal disease: Part 3 Tooth extraction

Extraction in a dog with stage 4 periodontal disease: Part 2 X-rays

Extraction in a dog with stage 4 periodontal disease: Part 1 Oral Exam

How often should I take my dog or cat for a teeth clean at the veterinarian?

Pointers for brushing dog and cat teeth with pet dentist Jo Banyard: Dentistry for pet owners 101

Two anesthetic free dentals missed disease in a dog

Professional Dental Cleaning Series:

Watch this series of 7 videos on You Tube to see what the veterinarian and staff do for this dog with an early stage of dental disease.

Part 1. Physical Exam, Sedation, Intravenous fluids – this is the first of the series to show you what is involved in doing a professional teeth clean.

Part 2.Induction, intubation, cuffing and monitors – the second of the series to show you what is done to help keep your pet safe during anesthesia. Your pet needs gas anesthesia, an endotracheal tube (safety) and a person trained in anesthesia to watch your pet throughout the anesthetic period.

Part 3. Outside and inside the mouth exam – The third of this series shows what happens during the outside and inside exam in a dog.

Part 4. Intraoral radiography – Intraoral X-rays are extremely important to helping your veterinarian find problems in the jaw bones and teeth of your pet. Help your vet help your pet feel better and ask for this wonderful tool that helps find deep problems in and around teeth.

Part 5. Ultrasonic Scaling – What happens when your dog or cat’s teeth are treated with ultrasonic scaling.. To do this you want your pet to be anesthetized and it’s lungs protected. This is a painful procedure and doing this in a pet when it is awake is not humane.

Part 6. Curetting and problem areas

Find out why curetting under the gum line is needed after the ultrasonic scaling.

Coming soon: Part 7. Polishing, rinsing, going over what was found, what was done and why.

Why polish teeth? Find out in this video. We make sure you know what was found, what has been done to your pet’s teeth and why.

More Videos on Pet Dentistry:

Anatomy of a dog’s mouth – our star, Trouper, and a plastic model help owners count the teeth in a dog.

Your objectives when brushing your dog’s teeth

Your Toothbrushing Objectives (newer shorter version)

Toothbrushes and Yummy Toothpastes (short and sweet)

Tips and tricks on how to brush your dog’s teeth (with Jody and Trouper)

Periodontal Disease for kids with dogs – for Chilliwack 4H club

What is Periodontal disease in my pet?

What do the 5 Stages of Periodontal Disease Look like in a Dog?

How effective are Anesthetic Free Dental Cleanings (AFD)

Anesthetic Free Dentistry: A Waste of Time and Money

Brushing Cat’s Teeth

Why X-rays are needed for dentistry in dogs and cats

Anesthetic Standards of Care for Little Mountain Veterinary Clinic

Tooth Brushing Puppies Teeth

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More to come…….stay tuned.