Dogs are commonly affected by periodontal disease. The small breed dogs have a greater tendency to have severe periodontal disease although some large breed dogs are also affected. This will affect most dogs by 3 years of age. In some small breed dogs the infection of the large lower first molar teeth can cause of pathological fracture of the jaw. This will cause the lower jaw to become unaligned with the upper jaw and it will painful and hard for the dog to chew.
Fractured and worn teeth are very common in dogs. If the pulp is exposed it will lead to infection of the bone and it will be painful. The surface of the tooth crown may be discoloured and brown. The crown itself may be discoloured pink, grey, purple.
Some dogs can have a serious, painful condition called CUPS (chronic ulcerative paradental stomatitis). These dogs have sores on the gums adjacent to teeth and halitosis. Sometimes you will notice bleeding It is very important to see your veterinarian for this problem.
For more information please refer to Healthy Mouth, Healthy Pet: Why Dental Care Matters. Available at Amazon, AAHA and VIN book stores.